These garden and nurseries in Northern California have great displays of succulents:

Ruth Bancroft Garden, Walnut Creek
The Ruth Bancroft Garden, located in Walnut Creek, California, is a 3.5-acre desert garden showcasing an impressive collection of drought-tolerant plants, including cacti, succulents, and California natives.

UC Botanical Garden, Berkeley
The UC Berkeley Botanical Garden’s “Deserts of the Americas” collection showcases plants from North and South American deserts, including many cacti and agaves. The “Southern Africa” collection features flora such as aloes and proteas, representing the region’s rich biodiversity.

Poots Cactus Nursery, Ripon
Poot’s Cactus Nursery, located in Ripon, California, is a family-owned business specializing in cacti and succulents. Established in 1994, it offers a diverse selection of plants, including rare varieties, and has served the Central Valley for over 30 years.