Membership dues in the SCSS are $15 per person or $20 per family for one calendar year. Lifetime memberships are now available for a one-time payment of $100. Dues are payable November 1st and delinquent as of December 31st. With membership you will receive our monthly newsletter, Thorny Issues, by email.To view the current newsletter, click here.
① To become a member or renew your membership, use our online membership portal (credit cards only).
② If you prefer the old-fashioned way, you can download a membership form here . Send the membership form and a check to the membership chair at the address on the form (no credit card payment accepted for mailed membership forms.)
③ In addition, you can sign up or renew your membership in person at one of our monthly meetings (cash, check, or credit card).
If you have questions, please email the SCSS membership chair.
For general information about the Sacramento Cactus and Succulent Society, please email us.